For webmasters:

Sliding Banner

This is a relatively new format in Russia to attract target audiences. A website features a lightweight JavaScript-code making a banner (300x250 pixels) appear in the lower right corner of the screen in a window. The window features a little cross, clicking on which blocks the display of the window.

Payment is made for clicks on the window content. The code can be used separately or together with the click-under format.

Advantages of the given format:

  • unobtrusive form of advertising;
  • do not irritate the user/ no risk of hosting;
  • high rate of clicks guarantees good income;
  • constantly new marketing materials guarantee high CTR;

For advertisers:

Sliding Banner

A revolutionary new format to attract the target audience to your website. A lightweight JavaScript-code on the websites of our partners displays a banner of 300x250 pixels in the right (or left) corner of the screen. It features a little cross, clicking on which blocks the display of the window. This format is perfect for social networking, gaming projects, and mobile subscription services. We are able to use the following models: CPC, CPL, and CPM.

Before engaging in big advertising campaigns, we are ready to provide free test hosting, the volumes of which are to be agreed upon with your manager.

Obvious advantages of the given format:

  • effective form of advertising;
  • no risk from hosting;
  • higher return from advertising;
  • low cost of clicks (considering the high CTR of promotional materials)

Requirements for promotional materials:

  • banner weight must not exceed 70KB;
  • banners are accepted in such formats as GIF, JPG, and SWF (Flash version 8.0);
  • flash-banners must have a GIF, JPEG, or PNG cap;
  • to be able to count clicks on flash-banners, the button object with the following parameters is to be used for banners (as a reference link):
    Please note that the variable _root.targetURL should be without quotation marks.

Available traffic filters:

  • uniqueness by IP-address;
  • by country and city;
  • by browser;
  • by day of the week/hour;
  • filtering bots and frame-traffic;
  • by gender;
  • by interest;
  • by subject;

on (release)
getURL(_root.targetURL, _root.targetWindow);

Please note that the variable _root.targetURL should be without quotation marks.

Banners made with no regard to these requirements may not be accepted for display. We do not host banners that advertise pornographic websites. Upon request, we design promotional materials for each advertising account for free.

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